How is the health and social care system performing? January 2014
While our analysis of key performance data in the latest quarterly monitoring report shows that NHS performance is holding up well, the survey findings from finance directors working in the health and social care sectors suggest that financial pressures are increasing.
Winter plan for the NHS
Information and plans for winter including announcements about A&E winter pressure, the cold weather plan and flu immunisation.
Also see Public Health England’s winter health surveillance bulletins.
Also see Public Health England’s winter health surveillance bulletins.
NHS Standard Contract 2014/15
The NHS Standard Contract 2014/15 and the NHS Standard Contract 2014/15 draft technical guidance has been published by NHS England. The 2014/15 CQUIN guidance has also been published with supporting documentation.
Variations in health outcome and costs among NHS providers for common surgical procedures
This study finds unexplained variation among hospitals in the four procedures covered by patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs).
Final national tariff for 2014/15
NHS England and Monitor have confirmed the arrangements for the 2014/15 national tariff, following consultation with commissioners and providers in the autumn. Monitor has published the final tariff documents and supporting guidance.
The NHS England planning guidance for 2014/15 - 2018/19
The Healthcare Financial Management Association has produced a summary of the latest planning framework from NHS England, with particular reference to the financial aspects of the framework.
NHS waiting times for elective care in England
This National Audit Office report highlights the increasing challenge to the NHS of sustaining the 18-week waiting time standard for elective care. It also highlights the importance for trusts of having reliable performance information and shared good practice.
Guidance for efficient use of off-tariff medicines
NHS England’s medicines optimisation clinical reference group has published a document setting out how NHS England can work with providers incentivise more efficient use of high cost drugs excluded from the national tariff
New Foundation Trust Documents
Monitor has published the following documents for Foundation Trusts:
Arrangements to support NHS foundation trusts contemplating mergers
Briefing for commissioners on the NHS provider licence and Commissioner Requested Services
Survey on the cost structures of providing urgent and emergency care
Arrangements to support NHS foundation trusts contemplating mergers
Briefing for commissioners on the NHS provider licence and Commissioner Requested Services
Survey on the cost structures of providing urgent and emergency care
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