Engaging people in sustainable healthcare: guide to resources

The NHS Sustainable Development Unit has helped develop a new tool to help NHS organisations think through how they build staff, public and patient engagement into their work on sustainability. It provides evidence of what works and brings together the latest learning and evidence from a variety of healthcare organisations, including emerging clinical commissioning groups across the country.

Arrangements for emergency preparedness, resilience and response

The Department of Health and the NHS Commissioning Board have published further information on implementing the arrangements for emergency preparedness, resilience and response, including the establishment of local health resilience partnerships (LHRP) while maintaining current resilience arrangements

Measuring outcomes: a guide for commissioners

These two slide sets from the King’s Fund aim to help CCGs make the best use of measurement to support them to commission for improved outcomes.  The first set of slides introduces general concepts; the second set looks specifically at how commissioners can build up sets of measures along whole pathways of care.

Explaining variation in use of emergency hospital beds by patients over 65

This report explores the contribution made by patient demand and broader system relationships to the significant variation in the use of hospital beds by patients over 65 admitted as an emergency.

Looking for value in hard times

This report describes a new approach to priority setting called Star. It works by producing visual models, developed interactively with stakeholders, so that those involved can understand the nature of the choices to be made - and the disadvantages of not changing current practices.

Monitor publishes review of annual plans for NHS Foundation Trust Sector

Monitor has set out the main challenges facing foundation trusts in its review of the sector’s annual plans.  The review of NHS foundation trust plans (2012/13) shows that the sector still faces challenges in meeting greater demand and more challenging health care targets while delivering significant savings each year.

National Quality Board set out how to improve quality in the new health system

The National Quality Board (NQB) has published a report setting out how the new health system will work together to maintain and improve quality and safety, ensuring patients receive the best care possible.

Implementing the next stage in the transition to the new health and care system

In these letters, NHS Chief Executive, David Nicholson sets out arrangements to ensure stability and resilience for the current system through transition to the new health and care system from April 2013.
This bulletin is brought to you by Library and Knowledge Services. It aims to keep you up-to-date with strategy and performance developments and issues. At the beginning of each month, a librarian will update the bulletin with relevant information published in the preceding month. If there are areas you think we also need to cover, please let us know.