An analysis of hospital activity by day of the week

This analysis from CHKS found that for elective admissions, discharges and caesareans and for most procedures and diagnostics, there is a significant drop in activity at the weekend.

Foundation Trust toolkit

The NHS Commissioning Board has developed and road-tested a toolkit which looks at the processes involved in becoming a foundation trust (FT) and how CCGs might work with local providers.

Resource pack published for local health resilience partnerships

New arrangements for local health emergency preparedness,resilience and response (EPRR) will start from 1 April 2013. A key feature of which is the formation of local health resilience partnerships (LHRPs) for which this resource pack has been produced.

Strategic clinical networks

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority has set out its plan for a small number ofnational networks to improve health services for specific patient groups or conditions: cancer;  cardiovascular disease; maternity and children’s services; Mental health, dementia and neurological conditions.

Preparing for the Francis report: how to assure quality in the NHS

In this report, the King’s Fund sets out its views on how the system of quality assurance, including regulation, needs to evolve, the principles on which it should be built and how it should operate.

New NHS internal audit standards published

New NHS internal audit standards have been published by the Department of Health and take effect from 1 April 2011.

Quality of data across health and social care

A new report from the NHS Information Centre finds that the error rate in PbR data ranged from zero to more than 20 per cent; 4,500 duplicate patient care records; and the recording of valid NHS numbers by hospitals was above 98 per cent for inpatient and outpatient services but  only at 93 per cent for accident and emergency services.

The NHS Performance Framework 2012/13 update to patient experience annex B

The patientexperience annex (annex B) has been changed.  This update includes details of the thresholds against which data will be measured, based on averages calculated from the 2011/12 CQC Inpatient Survey.
This bulletin is brought to you by Library and Knowledge Services. It aims to keep you up-to-date with strategy and performance developments and issues. At the beginning of each month, a librarian will update the bulletin with relevant information published in the preceding month. If there are areas you think we also need to cover, please let us know.