The NHS Performance Framework 2012/13: update

The Department has published an update to annex A of NHS Performance Framework 2012/13 relating to the VTE risk assessment indicator.

How patient choice affects treatment location, England, 2003-2011

This report from the Nuffield Trust considers the extent to which patients or their referring doctors have been choosing a different location of care since 2006.

Future trends overview

This briefing from the Kings Fund summarises some of the most significant trends and drivers that will potentially affect health and social care services over the next 20 years.

NHS Outcomes Framework 2013 to 2014

The NHS Outcomes Framework 2013 to 2014 sets out the outcomes and corresponding indicators that will be used to to account for improvements in health outcomes.

The NHS Confederation has produced a “mind map” bringing together on one page all the indicators for each of the five domains in the 2013/14 Outcomes Framework.

Design and Use of Performance Measures to Decrease Low-Value Services and Achieve Cost-Conscious Care

This paper provides specific examples of possible measures to assess use of low-value services and discusses how these measures can be used in clinical practice and policy.

Providers to collect AHPs’ referral-to-treatment information

From April 2013 there will be a requirement for general and acute providers to collect allied health professions’ referral-to-treatment (AHP RTT) information as set out in the new commissioning data set (CDS) v6.2.

Fair Playing Field Review – for the benefit of patients: Discussion Paper

Monitor is carry out an independent review of “matters that may be affecting the ability of providers of NHS services to participate fully in improving patient care”. The purpose of this document is to outline progress and invite comments on specific issues that have arisen.

New standards for NHS boards

Standards for members of NHS boards and governing bodies in England have been published by the Professional Standards Authority. They put respect, compassion and care for patients at the centre of leadership and good governance of the NHS.

Radiotherapy Services in England 2012

This new report from the National Radiotherapy Implementation Group (NRIG) explains what the data really tells us about radiotherapy services across the country and assesses whether the metrics for radiotherapy services remain current.

Calculating Quality Reporting Service FAQs

Connecting for Health has produced a list of FAQs for the new Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) system which will replace QMAS from next year.

‘Ofsted-style’ ratings system for hospitals and care homes considered

The DoH has ordered a review into the way information on NHS and social care services is given to patients and the public. The study, to be completed by the end of March 2013, will assess the merits of an ‘Ofsted-style’ system of ratings for hospitals and care homes.
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