HSCIC publishes new report to help shed light on A&E activity
Focus on Accident and Emergency, December 2013 aims to help inform the current debate by bringing together a broad range of statistical data and analyses. While the report reflects a changing, complex picture of overall attendance, it also shows striking consistencies in patterns of A&E activity over several years.
‘Avoidable’ emergency admissions on the rise
The report from the Care Quality Commission looks at the pressures on accident and emergency (A&E) services due to an increase of admissions for ‘avoidable’ conditions.
Challenging bureaucracy
In February 2013 the NHS Confederation was commissioned to complete a review of the bureaucratic burdens on providers of NHS care. This report sets the actions which should be taken to free the NHS from unnecessary bureaucracy to help ensure that healthcare staff spend as much time as possible delivering patient care.
Winter health check – 29th November 2013
This weekly summary offers an overview of the system and pulls together information on waiting times in A&E, ambulance response times, daily situation reports from the NHS, and information on flu rates.
New guidance published to support staffing decisions
The National Quality Board, has published new guidance to support providers and commissioners to make the right decisions about nursing, midwifery and care staffing capacity and capability
NHS England promises new and far reaching drive to improve patient safety
NHS England highlights the significant work it is leading to improve the safety of patients as part of a co-ordinated response to the Francis Report. In the coming months NHS England will: launch patient safety collaborative programmes; create an NHS improvements fellows programme; make patient safety data more accessible; publish never events data; and re-launch the patient safety alerts system.
Report on seven-day NHS care
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) report on seven-day care argues that consultants need to be present all week round and that it is “ethically unjustifiable” to provide a lower standard of care at weekends compared to weekdays.
Volunteering in acute trusts in England
The King's Fund has produced a report on volunteering in acute trusts. Survey data analysis suggests that for the average trust, every pound invested in volunteering could yield around £11 in added value.
PROMs in England - April 2013 to June 2013
The Health and Social Care Information Centre has published provisional monthly patient reported outcome measures from April to June 2013.
NHS Outcomes Framework 2014 to 2015
This version of the framework includes a progress report and information about the development of the indicators.
NHS standard contract 2014/15
NHS England plans to issue the 2014/15 NHS standard contract via its website by the end of December. Face to face training and webinars on the NHS standard contract and e-contract system will also be provided during January and February 2014.
NHS clinical and financial engagement best practice
The government has published a guide to promote collaborative working and understanding between NHS clinicians and finance professionals.
NHS Employers workforce survey results
A workforce survey by NHS Employers reporting current reported trends in the labour market across the NHS, including information on pay awards and affordability along with recruitment, retention, workforce supply and service demand.
Public Health England publishes cold weather plan
With winter fast approaching, the cold weather plan for England has been published by Public Health England (PHE).
Commissioning for value data packs
These packs from Public Health England are for use by the local health community and its partners, GP commissioners and leaders and CCG senior management teams and health and wellbeing boards. They will support local discussion about prioritisation and utilisation of resources
Lessons from Europe: assuring quality through regulation
With the Francis report proposing far-reaching changes to how quality in the NHS is assured and regulated, the final Lessons from Europe seminar examined what the NHS in England can learn from how European countries assure quality in a market-based environment.
Patients unsure how to raise concerns about poor medical care
A new report has found that many patients are unsure how to raise concerns about poor medical care and more needs to be done to help them
Adopt, improve or defend - An AID for QIPP
Commissioners in Wigan have embedded a systematic approach to achieve challenging QIPP targets by identifying and addressing variations in local healthcare. This has been achieved through a three-stage process. Savings of £18m were achieved in 2012-13.
Closing the NHS funding gap: how to get better value health care for patients
Health services will need to change radically in order to secure the future of the NHS Monitor has warned. These changes will be needed if the health sector is to close a £30 billion funding gap while providing good quality services to patients that are free at the point of use and fit for the needs of patients in the 21st century.
Patient survey highlights variation in benefit from common NHS operations
The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) has published an interactive map showing the level of health benefit patients feel they gain from four common NHS operations under different providers. For the first time the map presents the annual results of the Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) programme.
Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2013 Update Report Published
The Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) 2013 Overview Update Report has just been published on the LRO. This document provides an update of this overarching Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for the health and wellbeing of the Lincolnshire population.
Local price setting and contracting practices for NHS services
Monitor has published a new research paper which assesses just how effective local contracts have been in delivering more for patients, with the focus being on national price setting.
NHS won’t meet £20bn improvement target
The NHS will struggle to meet its target of delivering £20bn in productivity improvements by 2015 according to the latest quarterly monitoring report from the King’s Fund.
Patients are at the centre of new ward inspection regime
NHS England has published findings from its patient-led inspections of hospitals.
Quality and safety in the NHS
This study of NHS cultures and behaviours found that the quality of care in the English NHS is too often compromised by a lack of clearly defined goals, too much regulation and highly variable staff support
Consultation on the 2014/15 national tariff
New rules will come into force next year allowing local experiments in ways of paying for NHS-funded services to develop new models of care for patients.
Monitor clarifies process on awarding foundation trust status
Monitor has reaffirmed that it will not grant foundation trust status to any further NHS trusts until it receives robust assurance from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) that applicants are providing a good quality of care for patients.
Monitor has also updated Applying for NHS foundation trust status: Guide for applicants
Monitor has also updated Applying for NHS foundation trust status: Guide for applicants
New EU Directive on public procurement
This briefing provides an overview of key aspects of the new EU public procurement Directive and its implications for the health service
Predicting hospital admission: an observational study
This study aimed to test the performance of new variants of models to identify people at risk of an emergency hospital admission.
NHS written complaints figures released
NHS organisations received more than 162,000 written complaints during 2012/13, the equivalent of over 3,000 complaints a week, according to figures released by the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
‘Care left undone’ during nursing shifts: associations with workload and perceived quality of care
This report aims to examine the nature and prevalence of care left undone by nurses in English National Health Service hospitals and to assess whether the number of missed care episodes is associated with nurse staffing levels and nurse ratings of the quality of nursing care and patient safety environment
Tool for measuring adverse events
This tool provides an easy-to-use method for accurately identifying adverse events and measuring the rate of adverse events over time. This paper provides step-by-step instructions for using the tool to accurately identify adverse events and measure the rate of adverse events over time.
Commissioning children’s palliative care: a guide for CCGs
This document describes the population of children who need palliative care; the services and professionals who provide it; and recommendations for the commissioning of children’s palliative care.
The Shared Learning collection
The Shared Learning collection on the NICE website is a portfolio of quality-assured examples of implementation of NICE guidance and the use of quality standards to change local practice
NHS England puts patient data to better use
NHS England is introducing a modern information service on behalf of the NHS called care.data. The service will use information from a patients’ medical record to improve the way that healthcare is delivered for all.
Finance managers recommend changes to NHS payments system
NHS finance managers acknowledge the benefits of payment by results (PBR) the current system governing payments, but argue that the current system is in need of reform. The findings are explained in a joint briefing by the Healthcare Finance Managers’ Association and the King’s Fund.
Variations to NHS standard contracts
NHS England has published technical guidance on the process through which commissioners can effect local variations to electronic and paper contracts
Performance data for surgeons published
Surgery-specific data has been published on the NHS Choices website.
Keogh review of hospital care
More networking to share good practice and real-time patient feedback beyond the friends and family test area among the recommendations of Sir Bruce Keogh’s report on quality and standards of care at the 14 hospital trusts identified as below the line.
Chief inspector of hospitals announces inspection plans
CQC’s new chief inspector of hospitals, Professor Sir Mike Richards is introducing radical changes to the way hospitals in England are inspected.
First results from NHS Friends and Family test published
New data from the NHS Friends and Family survey, which asks patients whether they would recommend A&E and inpatient wards to their nearest and dearest based on their own experience, has been released.
NHS England and the HSCIC launch a consultation on hospital data to raise standards and improve patient safety
The HSCIC has published NHS Hospital Data and Datasets: A Consultation for views on what information should be extracted from hospitals in future in order to raise standards, improve safety, and reduce inequalities in patient care.
New research explores association between nurse staffing levels and quality of care
Research published online in BMJ Quality and Safety, finds that ward nurses say they are forced to ration care, and not do or complete certain aspects because of time constraints.
New proposals to ensure care and compassion in the NHS and in social care
All healthcare assistants and social care support workers should undergo the same basic training, based on the best practice that already exists in the system, and must get a standard
‘Certificate of Fundamental Care’ before they can care for people unsupervised, according independent Cavendish Review,
‘Certificate of Fundamental Care’ before they can care for people unsupervised, according independent Cavendish Review,
King’s Fund on state of health and social care
The report finds that for the final quarter of 2012/13, nearly 6% of patients waited four hours or longer in A&E, the highest level since 2004.
Health workforce information review
This report sets out findings and recommendations from a review of the arrangements for handling health workforce data and intelligence. A supporting document provides links to best practice and toolkits on information governance.
Acheiving value in health systems – HFMA Right Care briefing
This briefing describes how Right Care’s approach supports the delivery of reform and improvement in a robust and systematic way, ensuring that the effort of the organisation and its partners is focused on transforming the right services to deliver improvements to patients while saving money
Putting patients at the heart of care
This briefing from the NHS Confederation highlights the experiences of some of the independent sector organisations that have looked hard at the total package of care they provide to ensure they continue to meet the changing needs and demands of their patients.
New website highlights variation in avoidable death
The figures are part of Longer Lives, a new Public Health England (PHE) website which allows local people to see easily how their areas perform on early deaths from the major four killers, like heart disease and cancer, and how this varies across the country
Social media for chief executives: the essential guide
The figures are part of Longer Lives, a new Public Health England (PHE) website which allows local people to see easily how their areas perform on early deaths from the major four killers, like heart disease and cancer, and how this varies across the country.
Clinical commissioning hub
This hub brings together information to support the commissioning of secondary care services across medical specialties. It also reinforces the promotion of patient experience and education and training in commissioning decisions.
Proposals for the 2014/15 national tariff
Monitor and NHS England have published three documents on proposals for the 2014/15 national tariff.
CQC launches consultation on the future of inspection and regulation
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published plans to change the way health and social care is regulated. This consultation focuses on hospital care.
Your choices: consultant choice
NHS England will begin the staged publication of mortality rates for individual hospital consultants in ten specialties. The data – covering around 3,500 consultants – will appear on the NHS Choices website and will cover a range of operations and procedures.
Approved Costing Guidance
Costing services accurately has the potential to deliver higher quality care to patients and better value for the NHS, both through better prices and improved information for clinicians and other decision makers at health care providers. The Approved Costing Guidance sets out Monitor’s approach to costing and we are encouraging providers of NHS-funded services to adopt this approach.
King’s Fund on state of health and social care
The report finds that for the final quarter of 2012/13, nearly 6% of patients waited four hours or longer in A&E, the highest level since 2004.
Health workforce information review
This report sets out findings and recommendations from a review of the arrangements for handling health workforce data and intelligence. A supporting document provides links to best practice and toolkits on information governance.
Acheiving value in health systems – HFMA Right Care briefing
This briefing describes how Right Care’s approach supports the delivery of reform and improvement in a robust and systematic way, ensuring that the effort of the organisation and its partners is focused on transforming the right services to deliver improvements to patients while saving money.
Putting patients at the heart of care
This briefing from the NHS Confederation highlights the experiences of some of the independent sector organisations that have looked hard at the total package of care they provide to ensure they continue to meet the changing needs and demands of their patients.
Acheiving value in health systems – HFMA Right Care briefing
This briefing describes how Right Care’s approach supports the delivery of reform and improvement in a robust and systematic way, ensuring that the effort of the organisation and its partners is focused on transforming the right services to deliver improvements to patients while saving money.
New website highlights variation in avoidable death
The figures are part of Longer Lives, a new Public Health England (PHE) website which allows local people to see easily how their areas perform on early deaths from the major four killers, like heart disease and cancer, and how this varies across the country.
Social media for chief executives: the essential guide
This briefing explores how using social media platforms can help NHS chief executives develop a collaborative leadership style that helps get results in the complex system of health and social care.
Clinical commissioning hub
This hub brings together information to support the commissioning of secondary care services across medical specialties. It also reinforces the promotion of patient experience and education and training in commissioning decisions.
Proposals for the 2014/15 national tariff
Monitor and NHS England have published three documents on proposals for the 2014/15 national tariff.
CQC launches consultation on the future of inspection and regulation
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published plans to change the way health and social care is regulated. This consultation focuses on hospital care.
Your choices: consultant choice
NHS England will begin the staged publication of mortality rates for individual hospital consultants in ten specialties. The data – covering around 3,500 consultants – will appear on the NHS Choices website and will cover a range of operations and procedures.
Approved Costing Guidance
Costing services accurately has the potential to deliver higher quality care to patients and better value for the NHS, both through better prices and improved information for clinicians and other decision makers at health care providers. The Approved Costing Guidance sets out Monitor’s approach to costing and we are encouraging providers of NHS-funded services to adopt this approach
NHS launch plan to help hospital and A&E departments keep waiting times in check
Plans to strengthen performance in urgent and emergency care are being put in place across the country to help hospital A&E departments meet demand and tackle waiting time pressures
Hospital mortality review data
NHS England has published detailed data about the first four of the 14 hospitals involved in the review of mortality data.
NHS launch plan to help hospital and A&E departments keep waiting times in check
Plans to strengthen performance in urgent and emergency care are being put in place across the country to help hospital A&E departments meet demand and tackle waiting time pressures.
NHS premises assurance model
The NHS Premises Assurance Model (Pam) is a management tool that provides NHS organisations with nationally consistent approach to evaluating NHS premises performance against a set of common indicators.
Guide to hospital data for non-executive directors
The NHS Confederation has published a briefing for non-executive directors (NEDs) interested in improving their understanding of NHS data and how it can be used to determine what is going on in their hospital. It looks at elective hospital admissions, waiting times and patient experience. See also The non-executive directors’ guide to hospital data part one: Activity, pathways and datasets
The regulation and oversight of NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts
A Joint statement on changes to regulation and oversight of NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts proposed in response to the Francis report.
Model Core Constitution
The Model Core Constitution has been updated. It reflects provisions of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 which are relevant to NHS foundation trusts' constitutions and which are now in force. Aspirant foundation trust should use this version.
First year's findings about harm-free patient care published
The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) has released its first publication based on the NHS Safety Thermometer tool, which reports an increase in the percentage of assessed patients who received harm-free car
The accountability framework for NHS trust boards
This framework sets out how the NHS Trust Development Authority will work with NHS trusts on a day-to-day basis, how it will assess their progress and how it will provide the development support each organisation need
Study of medical leadership models
From the Health Services Management Centre at the University of Birmingham and the King’s Fund this report provides a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of the state of medical leadership in NHS trusts today.
Healthcare groups: an alternative to merger-mania?
There is a growing consensus that acute NHS trusts in particular, are about to enter a new phase of organisational consolidation. This NHS confederation briefing summarises key learning from those who have already had involvement in developing healthcare groups and considers what might be done to take the concept further.
Three-fold variation in overall length of NHS stay following admission for hip fracture
This analysis in the latest National Hip Fracture Database report shows that the overall length of NHS stay for hip fracture across 180 hospitals ranges from 12.4 to 44.5 days – more than a three-fold variation
Clinical audit: statutory and mandatory requirements
This framework sets out how the NHS Trust Development Authority will work with NHS trusts on a day-to-day basis, how it will assess their progress and how it will provide the development support each organisation needs.
Health statistics notes and guidance: patient experience
These documents provide technical information, notes and guidance relating to the patient experience overall measure
Raising standards, putting people first: CQC strategy for 2013 to 2016
This strategy document outlines changes to the way that CQC will inspect and regulate services to make sure they provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care, and to encourage them to make improvements.
Quality accounts resource 2010-14
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) has updated its quality accounts tool to include information on the NHS outcomes framework.
Quality Governance: How does a board know that its organisation is working effectively to improve patient care?
This guidance from Monitor is designed for use across all types of NHS providers, including existing and aspirant NHS foundation trusts in the acute, specialist, ambulance, community and mental health sectors.
Using NICE guidance and quality standards to improve practice
This guide suggests what an organisation can put in place, and what staff can do to use NICE evidence-based guidance and quality standards to improve practice. It also explains ways to assess the extent to which your organisation is implementing NICE guidance and using quality standards, and how to address any gaps if you find out it is not.
Applying for NHS Foundation Trust Status: Guide for Applicants (April 2013)
The version of the Guide for Applicants published on 5 April 2013 contained a error regarding the statutory consultation process for Foundation Trust applications. The Guide was corrected and re-published on 12 April 2013.
Compassion in Practice implementation plans
NHS England has published its implementation plans for Compassion in Practice:
Summary Implementation Plans ·
Action area 1: helping people to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes ·
Action area 2: working with people to provide a positive experience of care
Action area 3: delivering high quality care and measuring impact ·
Action area 4: building and strengthening leadership ·
Action area 5: ensuring we have the right staff, with the right skills, in the right place ·
Area 6: supporting Positive Staff Experience
Summary Implementation Plans ·
Action area 1: helping people to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes ·
Action area 2: working with people to provide a positive experience of care
Action area 3: delivering high quality care and measuring impact ·
Action area 4: building and strengthening leadership ·
Action area 5: ensuring we have the right staff, with the right skills, in the right place ·
Area 6: supporting Positive Staff Experience
Improving the allocation of health resources in England
The paper from the King’s Fund explores how the health resource allocation process and the formula on which it is based have changed over time, and how it will work from April 2013.
Atlas of variation for liver disease
The NHS Atlas of Variation in Healthcare for People with Liver Disease reveals widespread variation in the prevalence of risk factors for liver disease across the NHS.
GMC publishes updated core guidance for all UK doctors
Every doctor in the UK will have to show they meet the professional standards set out in the updated guidance, Good Medical Practice from the General Medical Council.
Debt up and productivity down in NHS trusts
This report from Nuffield Trust examining patterns of spending and labour productivity, finds that the proportion of trusts in deficit has risen over the past four years, that there has been little improvement in hospital productivity
NHS standard contract deeds of variation now available
Providers are required to vary all contracts, which will run on beyond 31 March 2013 in order to incorporate policy requirements for the coming commissioning year. For the year 2013/14 these policy requirements are those set out in Everyone Counts: Planning for Patients 2013/14 and supporting guidance
Confirmation of payment by results arrangements for 2013/14/Collection of Reference Costs
The Department of Health has confirmed arrangements for payment by results (PbR) in 2013/14. And has issued final guidance for the collection of 2012/13 reference costs from 24 June to 26 July 2013.
The new provider licence
Monitor’s new provider licence has now been finalised and published, and is the new main tool that will regulate providers of NHS services. Foundation trusts will be licensed from April 2013, and other eligible NHS providers from April 2014
Maternity, child health, child and adolescent mental health services data sets
These data sets from the NHS Information Centre will provide comparative, mother and child-centric data that will be used to improve clinical quality and service efficiency. All NHS funded providers of these services in England should commence data collection from April 2013.
Final list of mortality indicator outliers announced
Sir Bruce Keogh has announced an investigation into hospitals that are persistent outliers on mortality indicators. The list includes ULHT.
Diagnostics waiting times and activity – November 2012
The Department of Health has published data on waiting times and activity for 15 key diagnostic tests for the month of November 2012.
New data on emergency readmissions
The NHS Information Centre has published new data on emergency readmissions.
NHS safety thermometer 2013/14: CQUIN guidance
This guidance explains how the NHS Safety Thermometer tool can be used to achieve CQUIN goals for 2013/14. It outlines a step-by-step process to aid an understanding of data, and how to use it to set improvement goals and measure improvement over time.
Review of urgent and emergency services in England
The NHS Commissioning Board is to review the model of urgent and emergency services in England. The review, will set out proposals for the best way of organising care to meet the needs of patients.
Payment by Results update eleven – January 2013
The DoH has published its eleventh Payment by Results (PbR) update. It includes information on PbR in 2013/14 and best practice tariffs.
Briefing on the new NHS standard e-contract
The new NHS standard contract has been launched and will be available for the first time as an e-contract.
Study of the use of contracts in commissioning
This report commissioning by the policy research unit at the Department of Health presents findings from research into how commissioners negotiate, specify, monitor and manage contracts.
Changes to quality accounts reporting arrangements for 2012/13
Amendments made to the National Health Service (Quality Accounts) Regulations 2010, change the reporting requirements for quality accounts being published in June this year.
New tools and resources to support NHS reconfiguration
The NHS Confederation has published resources to help NHS leaders communicate and engage with staff, patients, the public and stakeholders about changes to local services
NHS TDA publishes Planning & Technical Guidance for 2013/14
Toward High Quality, Sustainable Services: Planning Guidance for NHS Trust Boards for 2013/14 sets out the expectations for what NHS Trusts will deliver in the coming year and how the NHS Trust Development Authority will support them to achieve high quality and sustainable care for the patient and communities they serve
Any Qualified Provider (AQP)
The Department of Health has published the updated versions of the Choice of Any Qualified Provider (AQP) implementation packs. These packs contain example service specifications, prices and other information to support commissioners to commission services using the AQP route.
Best practice tariffs and their impact
The Audit Commission has published an assessment of the impact of best practice tariffs (BPTs). It looks at their influence on day case surgery, fragility hip fractures and acute stroke and how implementation can be improved.
Malnutrition toolkit for commissioners and providers
This toolkit contains guidance for commissioners and providers on defining the relevant, measurable outcomes related to nutritional care within services in order to gain value for money.
Testing the new licensing system for providers of NHS-funded care
From April 2013, a new licensing system for most providers of NHS funded services is expected to be established. This is a briefing on the simulation event held to test the licence in a set of fictitious scenarios was held.
The Quarter: quarter 2 2012/13
David Flory’s quarterly report for Q2 (July to September) 2012/13 provides a summary of the NHS financial position and performance against the national priorities set out in the NHS Operating Framework 2012/1
Payment by Results 2013-14 road test package
The road test exercise provides an opportunity for providers to test out the new tariff and to comment on the draft 2013-14 Payment by Results (PbR) guidance and PbR code of conduct.
Progress in making NHS efficiency savings
The National Audit Office reports that the NHS made a substantial amount of efficiency savings in 2011-12.
2012/13 reference costs
Draft guidance for the collection of 2012/13 reference costs from NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts in July 2013 has been published for comment and feedback.
Everyone Counts: Planning for Patients 2013/14
The NHS Commissioning new planning guidance for 2013/14 outlines the incentives and levers that will be used to improve services from April 2013, the first year of the new NHS where improvement is driven by clinical commissioners
Some additional planning documents are also available.
Some additional planning documents are also available.
Developing operational delivery networks
The NHS Commissioning Board have announced the introduction Operational delivery networks (ODNs) will cover areas such as neonatal intensive care, adult critical care, burns and trauma and are focused on coordinating patient pathways between providers over a wide area to ensure access to specialist support and expertise.
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