Right data, right payment: annual report on the Payment by Results data assurance programme 2011/12
The Audit Commission has published the key findings from the 2011/12 Payment by Results (PBR) data assurance programme. It assesses how well NHS trusts and foundation trusts have delivered on recommendations made in previous audits.
PCT CCG Spend and Outcome Factsheets and Tool (SPOT)
The latest version of SPOT (the Spend and Outcome Tool which enables commissioners to examine the relationship between expenditure and a range of health outcomes by disease area, now includes CCG level data.
2011-12 programme budgeting guidance
Guidance documents for the 2011-12 programme budgeting data collection are now available. It is aimed at supporting commissioners and NHS providers in completing their 2011-12 data return.
Quality profiles
These practice profiles enable commissioners to compare the relative quality of their providers, to enable providers to benchmark their performance against the national average, and to share with patients and the public information on the quality of the services being provided.
Preparations for winter planning and reporting set out
David Flory, Deputy NHS Chief Executive and Shaun Gallagher, Acting Director General, Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships have set out preparations for winter planning and reporting, which this year will run from 6 November to the end of February 2013.
Publication of organisation patient safety incident data
This latest data release includes details of patient safety incidents in England and Wales that occurred between 01 October 2011 and 31 March 2012 were submitted to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) by the end of May 2012.
Acute trust quality dashboards
Published quarterly by Midlands and East Quality Observatory (MEQO) the acute trust quality dashboards aim to show quality of care in a statistically sound but easy to understand way using a set of indicators that encompass a range of trust services.
NHS financial year 2011/12
Report summarising the findings from the 2011/12 audit of primary care trust (PCT), NHS trust and strategic health authority (SHA) accounts.
Takeover: Tackling failing NHS hospitals
This report from Reform finds that the Government should drive the takeover of up to 30 NHS hospitals in this Parliament. Instead of encouraging mergers between failing NHS hospitals, private companies and the best NHS hospitals, should take over troubled hospitals because that is the surest way to turn them around.
Dealing with financially unsustainable providers
This paper from the King’s Fund explains why a failure regime is required in the NHS. It outlines how the failure regime for NHS trusts (currently being applied in South London) works and how the failure regime for foundation trusts introduced by the Health and Social Care Act 2012 will work in future.
How is the NHS performing? September 2012
This quarter's report aims to take stock of how the NHS is performing, 18 months into the Nicholson Challenge. The report finds that NHS performance is continuing to hold up well, but there is concern that quality of care may suffer as financial pressures bite from next year.
The health and care system from April 2013
This diagram gives an overview of the new health and care system from April 2013.
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