The Year 21011/12

In this annual report, Sir David Nicholson reviews the NHS achievements of the previous 12 months and considers the challenges to come.

CQC publishes first full analysis of performance and risk in health and social care

The Care Quality Commission has published a comprehensive ‘snapshot’ of the performance of health and social care providers in England, based on unannounced inspections of over 14,000 locations. The online version of the Market Report contains interactive graphs and maps, and allows you to see how the different sectors it regulates are performing and which areas are causing concern.

NHS Outcomes Framework indicators - June 2012 Release

A new indicator has been published comparing age and sex standardised mortality rate in people with serious mental illness to the general population.

PbR update nine – June 2012

The June update includes information on: PbR in 2012-13; Gearing up for the collection of 2011-12 reference costs; Maternity pathway payment system; and PbR for sexual health services.

Health and Social Care Act explained

These factsheets on the Health and Social Care Act 2012 explain particular topics contained in the Act, including its key themes.

Clinicians in management: does it make a difference?

New research by Leeds University Business School has shown that having more doctors on NHS Trust Boards increases patient satisfaction rates, and lowers

Delivering public services through markets: principles for achieving value for money

This report from the National Audit Office has sections on enabling users to participate actively in the market, and  promoting healthy competition between providers.
This bulletin is brought to you by Library and Knowledge Services. It aims to keep you up-to-date with strategy and performance developments and issues. At the beginning of each month, a librarian will update the bulletin with relevant information published in the preceding month. If there are areas you think we also need to cover, please let us know.