2010/11 programme budgeting data
The latest programme budgeting data have been published and a new version of the programme budgeting benchmarking tool has been released. The tool enables commissioners to identify how they spend their allocation, how their disease category level expenditure is split across care settings and how their expenditure distribution pattern compares with other commissioners.
Achievement of foundation trust status by NHS hospital trusts
This report finds that the challenges facing those hospitals which have still to attain foundation status are more severe than previously thought. It outlines these problems and makes recommendations for solving these problems in a way that protects taxpayers and patients.
Any Qualified Provider Map of Services
An online interactive map has been published which outlines the services which are going to be opened up to Any Qualified Provider (AQP) from April 2012. It will allow commissioners and providers to see the local health services where there will be a choice of provider for patients.
Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and joint health and wellbeing strategies explained
The purpose of this document is to support the NHS, local government and emerging health and wellbeing boards as they engage with the refresh of Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) and develop their strategy.
Board Governance Assurance Framework
This has been published to give aspirant foundation trusts assurance that they are appropriately skilled and fully prepared for FT authorisation.
Technical Guidance for the 2012/13 Operating Framework
The technical guidance for the 2012/13 Operating Framework lists all the indicators against which the NHS will be held accountable nationally during 2012/13.
Building the NHS Trust Development Authority
From April 2013 the NHS Trust Development Authority (NTDA) will provide governance and oversight of NHS trusts, supporting them to NHS foundation trust status. This document explains the purpose of the NTDA and its relationships with other
NHS Standard Contracts for 2012/13
The following contract is new for 2012-2013. NHS Standard Contract should be used by Commissioners when commissioning, Acute, Mental Health and Learning Disability, Community or Ambulance Services
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